Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Mayans and Us

1. "There are two ways to conquer and enslave a country. One is by the sword. The other is by debt." John Adams
2. Government deficit spending would provide additional market demand, pushing prices up and stimulating more hiring. Public-works projects would “prime the pump.” This policy would continue until “full employment” was attained.--after Keynes

Two tribes have emerged on the political landscape. One believes that government must spend to stimulate growth regardless of the money available and that anyone who disagrees is an idiot. The other believes that the government must adhere to a budget, avoid debt and allow the creation and destruction of the marketplace to occur and that anyone who does not believe this is a traitor. These tribes do not share any vision, cannot compromise, have no respect for the other and believe their solution is the only possible way for the nation to go. More, they think the problems facing us, if not solved by their particular solution, will destroy us.

Are we becoming a group of apocalyptic cults?


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