Saturday, October 20, 2012

Cab Thoughts 10/20/12

"A man's religion is the deepest and wisest thing in his life."--William James

Big Bird and Sandra Fluke: A vision for the nation.

Security for the now smoldering embassy at Benghazi was outsourced to Blue Mountain, a badass Welsh mercenary group. The annual budget was a bit less than 400,000 U.S. dollars. So the Blue Mountain guys outsourced it to five members of the Benghazi branch of the Feb. 17 Martyrs' Brigade and equipped them with handcuffs and batons.

7% of Americans think Oswald shot Kennedy. i have no idea what the others think.

40% of U.S. corn production goes for ethanol which makes up about 10% of  gasoline consumed. A good trade?

“This is about the birth of an entire new industry in America -- an industry that’s going to be central to the next generation of cars,” Obama said in a phone call to the CEO of A123 in 2010, according to a White House transcript. “When folks lift up their hoods on the cars of the future, I want them to see engines and batteries that are stamped: Made in America.” A123 received a $249.1 million federal grant in 2009 to build a U.S. factory and has a 120 million dollar grant from the DOE. A123 went bankrupt 10/16/12.

Scorecard for EV supplier bankrupcies in 2012:
January 26, 2012 – Ener1
July 12, 2012 – Valence Technology
October 16, 2012 – A123 Systems
Apparently wishing does not make it so. Perhaps a national day of handclapping, as I did for Tinker Bell as a child.

Young people cause inflation. They cost everything and produce nothing. That's inflation in people terms. (Mauldin) When lots of young people come into the labor force, it's inflationary. (They buy and accumulate.) When lots of old people move out of the labor force and into retirement, it's deflationary. (They sell and disperse.)
This belief implies that the government cannot protect the society from a downturn or upturn regardless of stimulus.

66 Canadian wolves were transplanted into the Northern Rockies almost 20 years ago. That population now exceeds 1700. And they want your dog.

Hillary's noble acceptance of the Benghazi fiasco is reminiscent of a curious (minor thematic) point in the movie Argo: the State Department is somehow responsible for security at diplomatic missions. Could anything be more contradictory than having a military arm of diplomacy? And since when did accepting responsibility for a disaster start to absolve everyone?

Since 1880, when reliable temperature records began to be kept across most of the globe, the world has warmed by about 0.75 degrees Celsius. From the start of 1997 until August 2012, however, figures released last week show the answer is zero: the trend, derived from the aggregate data collected from more than 3,000 worldwide measuring points, has been flat. (From the Brit's Met Office’s Hadley Centre and Prof Jones’s Climatic Research Unit.) What this means, I do not know. And, neither does anyone else.

Thomas Carlyle left the only copy of the manuscript "The French Revolution" at Stewart Mill's house, where the maid mistook it for trash and tossed it in the fire. He wrote a new one with renewed focus.

In a used book store this week all the Obama books were on sale for two bucks.

As Obama's plan to reverse the American preoccupation with growth and prosperity proceeds, it is met with bond and gold buying, not investment. The government sees in this the reason to stimulate the economy on its own. That stimulus will be made with borrowed money. The debt was 8 trillion dollars in 2008 and will be 16 trillion at the end of this year.

Inflation is too much money chasing too few goods. Deflation is the opposite, not enough money chasing too much goods. Both are a function of production and demand. If the Japanese dump a lot of semiconductors on the U.S. market, the price goes down, the American manufacturers cannot keep the margins up and eventually the low prices destroy them. If there is not enough silver to satisfy the Hunt brother's buying, the price goes up. So prices can fall if there is too much supply or if there is no demand. We seem to be in a period of no demand and prices should fall. Without demand, there are no sales and no jobs. Therefor government stimulus hopes to ...what, make people buy?

Golden oldie:

The British in the Revolutionary War made two efforts at conciliation with the American Rebels, one through Howe granting all of their demands as well as amnesty and another from Lord North, perhaps worried about a possible French alliance. Both were rejected--and the American agent (John Brown via Thomas Willing) for the first Howe offer was imprisoned for treason. The American rebels were more devoted to independence than it seemed.

Obama: The first Nobel Peace Prize winner with a kill list!

From Peter Freuchen"s "Book of the Eskimo," a hunter rejects the thanks of another for a kill the first man shared.: " In our country we are human!'' said the hunter. "And since we are human we help each other. We don't like to hear anybody say thanks for that. What I get today you may get tomorrow. Up here we say that by gifts one makes slaves and by whips one makes dogs.'" To be human means to them to avoid the calculation of what is owed among each other. One must will it away. Debt destroys. And dependence destroys.

From a recent interview: After deferring to Aristotle and Aquinas on natural law and saying the right to property is "passed prior to sovereignty", he said: "We human beings always seek happiness. Now there are two ways. You can make yourself happy by making other people unhappy--I call that the logic of robbery. The other way, you make yourself happy by making other people happy--that's the logic of the market. Which way do you prefer?" The interviewee? Zhang Weiying, Chinese communist economist (in the WSJ)

Aaaannnnndddd...a graph:

Chart of the Day

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