Friday, October 26, 2012

The Mysterious Undecided

One of the great mysteries of this election campaign is the undecided voter. The entire campaign seems to be waged for their favor. Who are these undecided voters? Better, how could they be undecided?

While Romney is a bit of a collage of opinions, Obama is not. He is a Teddy Roosevelt Progressive, is willing to defer most programs to others (Affordable Care Act to the House, the debt crisis to Bernacki), does not think that the world needs disproportionate American representation and leadership, and is generally inexperienced in leadership even after 4 years. This speech is revealing: and

This is not a traditional vision of America but it is certainly a vision. Anyone who agrees with it and the ACA and the Fed stimulus and the failure to hold Wall Street to account for its behavior over the past decade should vote for the guy.

But it is hard to see how any thinking person can be undecided.

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