Saturday, August 17, 2013

Cab Thoughts 8/17/13

"Talent hits a target no one else can hit; genius hits a target no one else can see. --Arthur Schopenhauer

The Perseid meteors seen this weekend are swept up dust grains from the tail of comet Swift-Tuttle.

Men are more than five times more likely to be killed by lightning strikes in the United States than women, according to new data released by the Centers for Disease Control. Golf? Too dumb to come in out of the rain? Sometimes stats mean something but don't mean much.

"It is lamentable, that to be a good patriot one must become the enemy of the rest of mankind." So said Voltaire, a philosopher who lived 1694-1778. He is speaking in the time of kings and dynasties, not republics. That makes a difference. Nations have no natural enemies. Only tyrants are the enemy of mankind.

Magdeen asked, “Does anyone else think the Lord is too concerned with the way our daughters dress and braid their hair?” And the Lord struck him mightily with an open palm and cried, “Is that so? I am the Lord.” But later, He wondered if He had been too harsh....
The Lord said, “Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.” And the people replied, “No other Gods? Even that one God with a crocodile head?” And the Lord conceded that the God with the crocodile head was hard to compete with.
(From 'Fragments from the Ancient Gospels of “The Church of a Pretty Good God.”'by James Folta and Luke Burns.)

A question about responsibility:
Patty Hearst was Stockholm-ed before Stockholm but was found guilty of robbery (although later pardoned.)
Castro claims his sex with his prisoners was consensual. If one assumes that they were Stockholm-ed like Hearst, was his act a crime? Could he be excused for taking advantages of changes he helped create?

From the world of marketing: A book store put a hint of chocolate in the air of their store. Customers were 40 percent more likely to buy romance novels and cookbooks, and about 22 percent more likely to buy books in other genres when the chocolate scent was present. Customers also spent more time browsing, researchers found. Pleasant smells have long been known to trigger spending: A 2008 study concluded that the smell of chocolate chip cookies made women more likely to make impulse purchases.

Golden Oldie:

3 new coal plants opened in the first half of 2013 that totaled 1,569 megawatts. While that is considerably less than all the additional wind and solar of all types built in the first half of 2013, the coal plants will generate more electricity as a result of their higher capacity factor. The coal plants will operate in most hours of the year near maximum output. While wind farms produce some electricity in most hours of the year, they rarely operate at maximum output. For wind to produce as much electricity as the 1,569 megawatts of new coal, about 4,500 megawatts of wind would be required. For solar to match the production of 1,569 megawatts of new coal, approximately 7,500 megawatts of new solar would be needed.

The four surviving original copies of Magna Carta will be brought together for the first time in history in 2015, the year of the 800th anniversary of the issue of the Charter by King John in 1215. The unification will be held at the British Library in collaboration with Lincoln Cathedral and Salisbury Cathedral.

Jon Corzine, a Democrat who previously served as New Jersey's governor and U.S. senator, headed MF Global when it collapsed in October 2011 in one of the 10 biggest U.S. bankruptcies. Customers discovered that about $1.6 billion was missing from their accounts. Gone. That money turned out to have been used as stop gaps, which is illegal. How much do you want to bet this will be decided in civil court with fines, no criminal court or jail?

Congressional investigators this week released emails suggesting that staff at the Federal Election Commission have been engaged in their own conservative targeting.

Lance Armstrong should have his seven Tour de France victories reinstated due to the prevalence of doping at the time, according to former cyclist Jan Ullrich. "I would give Armstrong the Tour victories back. ... That's how it was back then," Ullrich told the current edition of Sport Bild magazine. "It doesn't help anyone to draw a line through the winners' list." Ullrich, who won the Tour in 1997, finished second to Armstrong on three occasions -- in 2000, 2001 and 2003.

The Tropic of Cancer is associated with the zodiacal constellation Cancer the Crab. Historically the Sun's position was within Cancer during the northern summer solstice, but because of the precession of Earth's axis, that solstice sun is currently within the boundaries of Taurus.

Who was....Charles Whitman ?

“I could stand up here and say: let’s just get everybody together, let’s get unified. The sky will open, the light will come down, celestial choirs will be singing, and everyone will know that we should do the right thing, and the world would be perfect. Maybe I’ve just lived a little long, but I have no illusions about how hard this will be. You are not going to wave a magic wand…” Hillary on Obama, 2008.

It is often said regarding the minimum wage, ‘If the minimum wage had simply tracked U.S. productivity gains since 1968, it would be $21.72 an hour — three times what it is now’; that is a canard. Most productivity gains have been in manufacturing, farming and transportation, not the low-wage sector. A more honest index would be the inflation rate, where in 1968 the minimum wage was $1.60, resulting in a 2013 minimum wage of $10.71.

The American singer Kelly Clarkson bought a ring owned by Jane Austen last year for about $228,000, but British authorities have barred her from taking it out of the U.K. until the end of September in the hopes that a British person will buy the gold and turquoise ring. This from the "adopted" country of the Elgin Marbles.

Canard: n. A false or misleading report or story, especially if deliberately so. etymology: from Fr. "duck",Specifically, the term "Canard" refers to a tactic used by a parent duck to deceptively draw a predator away from its offspring or nest by quacking and feigning a broken wing. In other words the "Canard" or "Duck" is lying.

Studies suggest that North Koreans may be up to three inches shorter than South Koreans and have diminished IQs because of malnourishment as children. The latter is a known effect on human beings anywhere who are subjected to a starvation diet. The North Korean population has suffered from severe diet restriction for decades.

AAAAAAnnnnnnddddd.........a graph:
It's Getting Better illiteracy race

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