Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Health Care and the Art of the Possible

Health care is not the major component in the health care plan. Money is. A few years ago the medical clan was furious that only three physicians were on the board Hillary put together to revamp the "health care system." I'm sure the government was mystified; they knew this wasn't a plan for medical care, it was a way of restructuring the government's responsibilities for payment. Physicians had very little to do with it. The government has agreed to pay the expenses of Medicare and in ten years it will take up much of the budget. So much that the government will have little money for their other useless self-rewarding ideas. They have promised too much--and to a dangerous group; old people vote. This new plan is an effort to take the whole system over so they can hide their cost control methods in the general population and health care can be restricted for the elderly as part of a "nation effort and program." That way the elderly won't see that they have been specifically targeted. Social security limits in some way or another will come soon after.
Certainly everyone can see that you can't increase the number of people covered in a system, decrease the cost and maintain the quality. Ferocious companies have tried these "economies of scale" ideas but the federal government? Chris Dodd? Barney Fife/Frank?

The recent discussion about the elites not reading the bills they vote on is instructive. The basic point is these people are inept. It would be the same as if they said, "I can't get up that early", or "I don't use spreadsheets" or "I don't have a driver's license." They are not qualified for their job and have no shame about it. Conyers actually ridicules people who think he should have some understanding of what he is voting on. If that isn't an admission of the breakdown of government, I don't know what would be. If you change the word "politician" to the word--and concept--"manager", everything changes.

These people are just bags of wind; they don't have jobs, they have territories just like the Mafia. (ca., 1st district. Ma., 3rd). We aren't voters, we are prey. If we don't come across, they'll break our windows.

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