Monday, July 27, 2009

Health Care and our Leaders

Here's a real nice little quote from Obama.
He looks to hype support for this government health plan by demonizing doctors who are victimizing children. The first page of the book on desperate responses: a personal attack on someone who has something to gain if you lose--and, by the way, include a kid. These people are shameless. Do I know crooks in medicine? Yes. But if the honesty among attorneys were one tenth the integrity of physicians, this would be a nice world.

What is overlooked in this mess is this: these lawmakers come up with a pandering notion/good idea and seduce the population with it. Now I make no excuses for the population; De Tocqueville said the big risk in the democracy was that the voters would figure out they could vote themselves other people's production. But then they do not manage the problem they created. I heard on the news a few nights age that a dentist billed Medicare for 9300 procedures on one day. There are three pizza parlors in Florida that managed to get themselves registered as three dialysis units and bill regularly for them.

Yet I routinely am called by my credit card if I do anything out of the ordinary.

A few years ago a friend of mine who was running a radiological diagnostic unit applied for his license to use diagnostic isotopes. He got back a license that authorized him to use weapons grade uranium. Weapons grade uranium! These people simply do not deserve to be in charge.

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