Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Health Care and Affirmative Action

One of the benefits of the health care bill is the racial discrimination of medical school applicants. I have always thought that this reverse discrimination was unjustifiable and, as policy, could become destructive. There is something primitive and tribal about it, suborning the common good for the benefit of a subset. On a more practical point, when does this stop? How long do you get a break because your grandfather didn't? At what point does the society say "O.K., all done!"? The constant skewering of the tests, charts and tables at some point will be seen as abusive in addition to unfair. Finally it will be seen as swimming upstream, as a policy that won't work because it can't, because the favored group will always need favored. And that development will be fatal. http://www.ibdeditorials.com/IBDArticles.aspx?id=333586760867927

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