Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sunday Sermon 12/8/13

This morning at about 1:30 I was awakened by a piercing, pulsing alarm. At first I thought it the house alarm but, through the sleepy haze, figured out it was my phone. I had never heard this sound before and quickly discovered it was an "Amber Alert." It was a signal. Somewhere a child was missing. The alert noted the area, gave a make  of a car that was suspected to be involved and its state license number. I had not signed up for any participation in the "Amber Alert" program; this program was simply assigned to all the community.

There are some interesting aspects here. Somehow, somewhere, someone or some group decided that everyone in the area should be awake, perhaps should look out the window or run out in the street to find this child. Somehow everyone within the phone's broadcast area should be responsible--regardless of where they are or what they are doing--and should mobilize for the betterment of this child, despite the accuracy of the report or the validity of the charge or the distance involved. It is reminiscent of the jackdaws' response to a hunter or the bees' response to the intruder or some sci-fi collectivist species.

Actually, it sounds a lot like John the Baptist today.

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