Saturday, February 15, 2014

Cab Thought 2/15/14

The road to success is always under construction.
~Winston Churchill

The Congressional Budget Office’s new economic report says the health care law will cause Americans to work fewer hours – enough to be the equivalent of 2 million fewer jobs in 2017. The Rube-publicans jumped on this as evidence that the ACA was a job killer. But the numbers might mean something else: The Democrats defend them on the basis that the ACA may free people from working to be insured. I remember Pelosi talking about how the ACA might free a worker up to be a painter, to follow his dream. I'm not sure which translation is worse. Is work really an enemy to be overcome? Can a society tolerate a population of dreamers?
Even the homicidal Marx thought man was defined by work.

42 percent of the nation’s freight is moved by train. On average, a train can move a ton of freight 436 miles on a single gallon on fuel.

In the 1980s there was a movement in India for the creation of a Sikh state with armed militants launching attacks in India's Punjab. The hope was for the establishment of Khalistan, or "Land of the Pure" in the Punjabi language.
Documents recently released under the U.K. 30-year rule suggested that a British special operations officer secretly advised the Indians about how to deal with the Sikh dissidents who were occupying a holy site, the Golden Temple. The storming of the Golden Temple in Amritsar was one of the most violent episodes in the Indian government's battle against Sikh separatists, with more than 1,000 people dying. The attack enraged Sikhs and led to the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi a few months later — an act that provoked anti-Sikh riots across much of northern India. The riots, in turn, further fueled the insurgency.
Before it was stamped out in the late 1980s, the rebellion eventually cost more than 18,000 lives — including 329 people killed in an Air India jetliner explosion over the Atlantic Ocean blamed on Canadian-based Sikhs.

Thirteen out of 13 major investment banks all think that interest rates for global fixed-income will rise this year. Ah, models. Ah, consensus.

Echo: n: The reflection of a sound wave. Also a repetition. Echo was a wood nymph whose voice was taken from her by Juno, and she was thereafter only capable of repeating others. Another story says her unrequited love for Narcissus caused her to pine away until nothing but her voice remained. Or she was killed by Aphrodite who kept her voice alive because it was so beautiful. In all cases, she was treated badly and in all cases Narcissus was mean.

For Coke's delivery fleet in Miami their conventional trucks spent 61% of the day idling and consumed an average of 427 gallons of fuel per truck-year ($1,700) going nowhere.

A section of a letter sent by George Washington to Jefferson July 6, 1796 that, amidst talk of farming and crops, mentions political parties:
 "...until within the last year or two ago, I had no conception that Parties would, or even could go, the length I have been witness to; nor did I believe until lately, that it was within the bonds ofprobability; hardly within those of possibility, that, while I was using my utmost exertions to establish a national character of our own, independent, as far as our obligations, and justice would permit, of every nation of theearth; and wished, by steering a steady course, to preserve this Country from the horrors of a desolating war, that I should be accused of being the enemy of one Nation, and subject to the influence of another; and to prove it, that every act of my administration would be tortured, and the grossest, and most insidious mis-representationsof them be made..."

President Obama in an interview recently referred to the terrorists at Benghazi as "folks." Folks.

The Makech is a large beetle, found only in the Yucatán peninsula, with broad shells that can be decorated with little gemstones. The beetles feed on tiny sporophores found in a wood, and can live up to eight months. Attached to a golden chain, they're worn as pendants by Maya women and kept as pets. Fashion.

Golden oldie:

Roman Catholic Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz is publishing a book of Pope John Paul II's private writings in defiance of the late pope's will, which asks that they be burned.

California state and local governments face an estimated $655 billion in unfunded pension and health care liabilities. Over 12,000 county workers took home $200,000 or more in salary in the same year and over 63,000 government employees collected six-figure total compensation packages. In 2012, 30,744 former California state and local government employees collected pensions of over $100,000, and 94 brought home a quarter-million dollars or more.One retired public defender collected a total pension payout of $527,255.

"And in making this judgment...[that societies are necessarily imperfect, and making them perfect is not an option for creatures such as humans]..., we need to remember the practice of freedom on which our wealth seems to have depended," Kenneth Minogue of the London School of Economics said. "Solutions that reduce our freedom put modernity itself at risk."

Just before 1 a.m. on April 16, 2013, someone slipped into an underground vault not far from a busy freeway and cut telephone cables by the PG&E Corp.'s Metcalf transmission substation near San Jose, California. Within half an hour, snipers opened fire on a nearby electrical substation. Shooting for 19 minutes, they surgically knocked out 17 giant transformers that funnel power to Silicon Valley. A minute before a police car arrived, the shooters disappeared into the night. This scary event has received almost no publicity. No one has been arrested. The attack was "the most significant incident of domestic terrorism involving the grid that has ever occurred" in the U.S., said Jon Wellinghoff, who was chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission at the time.

Who is....James Watt?

AAAAaaaaaannnnnnnddddd.....a creepy picture of the world's highest swimming pool, located in the skyscraper Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.

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