Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Advice From The Millionaire Next Door‏

The Millionaire Next Door is a long, fascinating reassessment of success in America. Some of it is not flattering. In short summary, the following covers the essentials of becoming the millionaire next door.

The majority acquired their wealth in one generation and  followed these  factors of wealth accumulation:
Live well below your means.
Spend  your time, energy and money efficiently in ways that build wealth. Believe that financial independence is more important than social status. Their parents didn't help.
Their adult children are  economically  self-sufficient.
They know how to pick market  opportunities.
They chose  the right occupation.

In raising their children and passing on their beliefs, they have rules for how they raise and educate their children on becoming as self-sufficient and successful as they have become.

Never tell your kids you are wealthy.
Teach your children discipline and frugality.
Minimize  discussion on what your kids will  inherit.
Emphasize their achievements.....not your success.
Assure them  many  things are more valuable than money.
You are not defined by the car you drive.
Beware the effect of colleges and college students who actively diminish effort and material achievement.

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