Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Greek to Me

As the West should have learned by now, isolated economic systems that do not work can be a threat to those that do. Russia collapsed in silence but its bond market caused screams throughout the West. Contagion from the failed state can hurt you. So what is it the West is trying to do in Greece? Greece as an economic power--or failure--will not damage its neighbors unless its neighbors volunteer for the risk. For some reason, they have.

For some reason the Europeans are signing up for the Tsipras socialist zombie wish. Why?

The West does this a lot. They act as if the degenerate use of mind-altering drugs--which, as a side effect, forever restructures the brain to demand the medication--is some sort of bout of bad weather that will, in time, blow over. Similarly they think of prisons as areas of improvement where basically good people can be shown the error of their ways and become social contributors.
No doubt these reversals occur, often molded by profound religious experience as evidenced by 12 step programs. But even those programs insist that the self-inflicted victim come to some insight that he is the problem. Even the 12 step programs demand that the offender play out his badly played hand.
Or is the West, as they are in Greece, simply biding time. Simply supporting a holding pattern. Restructuring the loan, extending its period, tweaking the conditions, turning down the heat on the pot. Waiting for the next nice conference in Geneva. Declining the option to make a decision and come to a conclusion.
Most important, avoiding judgment.

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