Sunday, January 17, 2016

Sunday 1/17/16

If any gospel classifies as truly funny in the horrific collision between the material and spiritual that is described in the New Testament, this is it: The Marriage at Cana.
The host run out of wine. A human, social crisis in an important social tradition. Mary says, "They have no more wine." Innocent and probably a wry smile. "My time is not yet come," is Christ's answer. Aaaawww, Mom. "Do what he tells you, " she says patiently to the steward. Knowing. Just knowing. Everything indirect. Understood. A product of years of intimacy, of learning what she had under her roof.
It is said that the Vatican has kept in secret a journal written by a Jewish girl from her early youth until her death. She was a contemporary of Christ and a neighbor from His village. She must have been remarkable as literacy was rare then and rarer among women. It is an account of her growing up and maturing with Christ Himself, first tangentially and then, as Christ becomes more captivating, the journal focuses on Him almost exclusively. Imagine the divine in the everyday.---Actually I made that up but Mary did experience it, you see a bit of it in this Gospel and it would have made a hell of a story.

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