Thursday, September 27, 2018


I got this note from Sandra:

"You always seem to ignore Trumps brags about how good he is and how America has done better than anyone say other leaders do the same! I don’t think so..I have never heard any other leader brag about themselves like trump. And personally I think we all
should be embarrassed that he represents the USA and that the whole  audience laughed at his remark."

I wrote this back:

"I have no interest in or regard for Trump. He embarrasses me. (Although I like his wife.) But they all embarrass me, they just do it in their own ways. Elizabeth Warren, Teddy Kennedy, Maxine Waters, the guy who thought Guam would tip over if we sent too many marines--all of these people are well dressed, arrogant, power hungry people who would find getting work in any other field very difficult. And they actively hold me in disregard and want to impair my life.
The problem I have with the Trump opposition is that they see their own candidates as somehow different, they take them seriously when they are only better actors and less transparent--hardly an endorsement. They just string us all along until there is a crisis, likely of their making--a war or an economic event --and then they look at us like Harry Reid with basset eyes and say, "No one knows what to do." Then we have another crisis of their making.
Look at what these people have done in Vietnam, in Cuba, in Iraq, in Libya, to the debt, to heavy industry, to computer security, to privacy. Look at what has happened to the process of picking the Supreme Court, a total bipartisan pretentious fiasco. 

Trump is going to leave the U.S.--and maybe the West--with a real hangover. He is a caricature of a politician: Vain, arrogant, blustering, shallow, ill-informed and devoted to whatever small belief he has. And his legacy is not going to be his arrogance or his silliness, it is going to be the taint he will have given every politician before and after. He will have given the public the disquieting understanding as to how limited and shallow these people who would lead us truly are. 

No wonder these politicians all hate him.

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