Monday, October 22, 2018

A Test Case

Now we are all worried about the climate. There is an unquestionable upward trend in the last century in the world temperature. Some of this may be technical; the models have not been shown to be accurate thus challenging their basic assumptions. But some of it is likely due to human activity though there are certainly questions about its source and its implications.
There are no questions about the source and the implications of the major, certain risk to human life on the planet, however. Nuclear weaponry in the hands of nations--and perhaps small ideological groups--certainly has the potential to ruin the earth and the humans who live on it. sounds reasonable to, as a test of our ability to get along, protect our planet and make a few sacrifices, disarm. Well meaning leaders can step up. Put those suicidal weapons aside. As a first step. To show we can approach a larger problem in global warming. A test case about which there is no debate. A problem that is technically easier to solve than global warming. Certainly reasonable men and nations could start there.
What are the odds of that happening?

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