Thursday, October 4, 2018

Quora, Hillary and Kavanaugh

One of my many failures is my inability to see trends and participate. So, in the spirit of the recent unabashed Kavanaugh character assassinations, here is another, from Quora.

Quora is a fun, sometimes very interesting forum where questions are asked and answered. May of the questions look to be from high school students in search of term paper information but others are sometimes very informative. There is a lot of European anti-American stuff on it.

There is a very bad element to this, the risk that it can become a public gossip forum without any rebuttal. I am no fan of Hillary but this was published recently in response to the question, "Who was the rudest celebrity you've met?" The answer is signed, but unfair; it is  brutal, cannot be refuted and comes from a guy I, at least, do not know. The answer:

No question….

Night one: Random encounter with the wife of the candidate. She is belligerent. Rude. Drunk. Obnoxious, and foul-mouthed. Ordered me around like a coolie.

Night two: I am formally introduced to the candidate and his wife as a) a donor and b) the compute genius who was going to smooth the path to the White House.

Her: Thank you, blah etc. and very sincere…are you all right? What is that bruise?

Me: At your rally last night you assumed I was a staffer not moving fast enough, and you threw a hot (heavy!) mug of coffee in my face. With the mug. With the bourbon IN the coffee (hence, my guess at drunkenness).



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