Saturday, April 20, 2019

Easter Eve

The turkey was fed and sheltered for 1000 consecutive days, but this did not mean the butcher loved him.--anon

Holy Saturday. Chris had a good day. The Librarian brought dinner. And he's moving well this morning.
Mom and I had a good dinner at Zinho.
Ned and Liz went to Les Mis. Mixed reviews.

Two headlines from the WashPo:

"Report Lays Out Obstruction Evidence Against Trump"
"Trump Uses Profanity."

So what team is the best in the National League so far? The Pirates are 11-6, the best in the NL Central. I know, I know. But so far, they can really pitch. (Although they are clearly not very bright. And Polanco isn't playing yet.) Polanco, Elias Diaz, Lonnie Chisenhall and Corey Dickerson are all legitimate players who have yet to play. Somebody named Shuck is playing in the outfield.

Johns Hopkins University wants to hire 100 armed police officers to patrol its campuses, hospital and surrounding neighborhoods. The hospital president, Dr. Redonda Miller testified in Annapolis hearings that patients and employees are “scared when they walk home, they’re scared when they walk to their cars.” Philadelphia’s Temple University police department is the largest university police force in the United States, with 130 campus police officers, including supervisors and detectives.
Universities have become armed camps.
A flight attendant has reportedly fallen into a “deep coma” after contracting measles, according to health authorities.
The 43-year-old female El Al Airlines flight attendant was admitted to a hospital after coming down with a fever on March 31, CBS News reports. 

Under current law, a federal tax credit of up to $7,500 is available to consumers of the first 200,000 electric vehicles sold by each manufacturer, after which the credit is phased out. This new legislation will allow for the purchase of an additional 400,000 electric vehicles to be eligible for a $7,000 credit. Almost 80% of those utilizing the EV tax credit have incomes over $100,000, making it not just a corporate handout but also a transfer from all workers to wealthier Americans. Because all personal vehicles in the United States account for only a small fraction of global greenhouse gas emissions, even an unrealistic influx of electric vehicles would prove to be negligible.
An aside: 27.4% of American electricity--including the electricity put int the batteries of EVs--comes from coal-fired plants.

Q: What did socialists use before barter? 
A: Money.
Q: What did socialists use before candles?
A: Electricity.

The UNC women's basketball coach Sylvia Hatchell has resigned after making what was said to be a racially insensitive comment.
The offending phrase was, "We're going up to Louisville. Those people are going to be waiting with nooses to hang you from trees."
While the parents differed on the exact wording of Hatchell's statement, they were unanimous in saying their daughters heard the words "noose" and "tree."
Are these illegal words or only when in the same sentence?

In 1938, 11 percent of blacks were born to unmarried women. By 1965, that number had grown to 25 percent. Now it’s about 75 percent. Even during slavery, when marriage between blacks was illegal, a higher percentage of black children were raised by their biological mothers and fathers than today. In 1940, 86 percent of black children were born inside marriage. Today, only 35 percent of black children are born inside marriage.

Perhaps they are following the advice of white liberal academics such as Johns Hopkins professor Andrew Cherlin who in the 1960s argued that “the most detrimental aspect of the absence of fathers from one-parent families is not the lack of a male presence but the lack of male income.” Cherlin’s vision suggested that fathers were unimportant and if black females “married the government,” black fathers would be redundant.

                                   Easter Eve

For all its importance, Easter in the New Testament is treated more as a challenge to Christ's followers than the challenge to nature and the intellect that it is. There are several descriptions that vary considerably; in one the confused followers find a empty tomb with some linen fallen underfoot, some strangely, neatly folded. But in most the empty tomb is mediated by some extraordinary event or individual, earthquake or angel. Then the story seems to go into suspended animation. There is no cataclysmic epiphany. The realization is gradual--in typical biblical cosmic humor, the first witness are not even legal witnesses as they are women. Christ's astonishing miracle is made clear and defined slowly to various individuals, one at a time.
As befits a collision of the physical and the spiritual which results in a new supernatural order.

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