Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Ilhan Abdullahi Omar

Thinking about all of this in terms of the rich paying more, it’s all so very counterproductive. Let’s not encourage this. The federal government is not staffed by the magical; rather it’s filled with people who used to not work in government. By virtue of them choosing government, they in many instances are revealing a lack of ambition or imagination. Basically they want a paycheck without the stresses and strains that come with earning one in the profit-motivated world.--Tamny

Chris' back surgery went well. Fast and clean. A bigger disc than expected. A lot of old guys from Mercy there in the anesthesia department.
Yesterday was Thomas' birthday.
The Pens just got beat. And so did the Lightning.Chris asked this: Are the Pens better with Letang and Malkin hurt?

Bernie Sanders said that his Medicare for All would be free at the point of purchase but would be paid beforehand in taxes. He actually thought that was a selling point.

I've always thought Pelosi a reasonably consistent woman with a distant relationship with the dirt of politics. But yesterday she gave a remarkably manipulative and insincere interview with Amanpour. Disappointing and creepy.

$350 million has been pledged to help rebuild the Notre Dame Cathedral. But couldn't that money be better spent on feeding poor children?

If I told you there was a movement to create a navy or an air force, you might respond, “Don’t we already have those?” If I said we need a movement to persuade bears to relieve themselves in the woods, you might say, “Wait. Isn’t that happening already?”But if I said we needed to tax the rich, a lot of people’s first reaction would be, “Yes! It’s about time!”--Goldberg

Social Security is a pay-as-you-go income-transfer scheme masquerading as an investment fund. No American has an actual Social Security account.

                                    Ilhan Abdullahi Omar

In the late 1800s the United States was awash with European immigrants, many running from despots like the Czar or the Kaiser, many living for years on farms turned battlefields. They arrived in this country angry with resentment over the arbitrary hardships of life.  One would think they would breath a sigh of relief as they got off the boat and glory in the peace and freedom of their new land. But some brought their discontent with them and continued to act on it. Many of the violent people of the time were filled with fury at things that simply did not exist here.

Ilhan Abdullahi Omar is one of these.  Omar is the first Somali-American, the first naturalized citizen from Africa, the first minority woman from Minnesota, and one of the first two Muslim women, along with Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, to serve in Congress She was born in Mogadishu and spent her early years in BaidoaSomalia  After the Somali Civil War broke out in 1991, she and her family fled the country and spent four years in a Dadaab refugee camp in Garissa County, Kenya near the Somali border. A refugee camp !

Now that she is in this country, you would think she  would be singing its praises in the streets. But instead she is a confrontational, resentful, insulting woman with a lot to say.

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