Wednesday, February 5, 2020



I rarely watch the SOTU but, after Iowa, I did. It was astonishing. Somehow Trump, on some primal level, understands these political people and holds a mirror up to them; what they see drives them nuts.

Trump spent the evening listing his accomplishments. The point in this country, of course, is the achievements of the State within clear borders defined by the Constitution, but no politician cares about that. The list was long but, amazingly,  locked in to their political hardware, the Democrat counter-speech emphasized "accomplishments," like fixing potholes.

Trump filled the evening with political handouts, real time awards a la Oprah, patriotic bravado and schmaltz as if plagiarized from the Democrat playbook. The Dems responded with pouting and, in a rare look behind Pelosi's curtain, gross petulance. JLo and Shakira did not appear.

An evening of theatrical posturing, insincerity and childishness with Trump looking like the grownup.

The political class may never recover.

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