Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Arrogance and Tyranny

                      Arrogance and Tyranny

It looks as if the ORs will be doing elective cases and that medical offices will be seeing routine patients. Up until now, people have been called and told they were either sick enough to have a procedure or not. The same was true for office visits. People were called and told they did not need to be seen right now although they had made an appointment because they thought they needed one.

This is reminiscent of those people who are being told to stay home because their jobs are "not essential."

This is not the way people live. Those who have questions about their health do not have a medical perspective. They want seen and given that perspective, they do not want to be called or messaged that they are not worth the trouble to see. People getting up and going to work every day do not do so without some reward; work--even to Marx--brought its own rewards. The "essentiality" might have a personal context that is quite high.

There are people who are shutting down the world. And they are judging which parts to keep.

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