Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Separateness of the Mask


                       Separateness of the Mask

As I understand it, hijab is "modest dress" and a niqāb, or ruband, is the veil that can be a part of it. The constraints of The Virus has made me think of this in a new way.
In talking to people with a mask on, some nuance is lost. Conversation seems to devolve to the direct, like a train robber. It is reminiscent of the behavior of the lovers in The Magic Mountain who used a foreign language between them because it made subtly--and insincerity--difficult. In less intense social interactions, it seems enhancement suffers.

Actually it is hard to believe that expression could be so important to interchange; while facial expression is probably older than language, it is certainly more limited. And there must be studies about it, although what is not learned might create inaccuracies. 
Maybe the obvious barrier introduces a psychological--and non-language--complication of distance and isolation.
Whatever it is, it is different. I wonder if, like Mann's lovers, it is clarifying--or coarsening and stunting.

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