Thursday, July 9, 2020

History Snare

The basic thing that Malcolm X wanted, the creation of a history to support the growth of the Black man, is the very thing the current protests are opposing. The attack on culture and history is the hallmark of the totalitarian, from Nazi and Stalin to Pol Pot.

                                        History Snare

In Balkan Ghosts, the author, on a tour of the Balkans, meets an elderly woman who cares for an old local church. She gives him a tour and he is surprised at the unusual and beautiful art in the church. She explains it is unique to the region and the style would have dominated the Renaissance had the country only not lost the Battle of the Field of Blackbirds. She was still embittered. 
The battle was in 1389.
Cultures should grow in history, not live in it. On the other hand, banning it doesn't work either.

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