Monday, November 2, 2020

The Myth of Control


                                                                  The Myth of Control

Every four years, like locusts, politicians come out of their meetings, boardrooms, elegant restaurants, and caucuses to meet and cajole the common man. They shake hands with passers-by, they reassure frackers, they talk about God. It reminds you of those old holidays when, for one day, the servants run the estate while the owner acts as servant. Then, after trembling on tenterhooks throughout election day, in thrall to people they despise, they return to their lairs, shaking their heads over the stupidity of the electorate and try for the next years to pass more rules making election easier for the candidate.

So the poor citizen participates in the myth that he has some influence in his government, some control

1 comment:

JimL said...

True, When Bill Clinton ran for his second term. I got stuck at work for some crisis and did not get to vote. Clinton won. How could country go on without my vote?