Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Question 29

Why is science the only area of public funding where it is assumed the funding will not influence the results?

The vaccination exceptions allowed by OSHA do not include people who are resistant to COVID-19 because they were previously infected. Is the point antibodies or conformity?

From "The Atlantic," arguing that the election was not ideological: "Fundamentally, the contest was about schools—specifically, how many parents remain frustrated by the way public schools have handled the coronavirus pandemic."
I think that is an underestimation.

Moscow University graduate Saule Omarova has been nominated to become Comptroller of the Currency. The Wall Street Journal states she would like to put an "'end to banking' as we know it," in part by transferring private banking functions exclusively to the Federal Reserve, where accounts would "fully replace" private bank deposits. Under her plan, the Journal continues, "The Fed would control 'systemically important prices' for fuel, food, raw materials, metals, natural resources, home prices, and wages" after the Fed is transformed into what she calls "the ultimate public platform for generating, modulating, and allocating financial resources in a modern economy.'"
Take an ax to the roots of the most successful economy in the world's history. That sounds reasonable.

According to a Kaiser Family Foundation survey last week, 37% of unvaccinated workers said they would leave if their employer required them to get a vaccine or be tested weekly.

A funny line from Will: Government breeds advocacy groups that lobby it to do what it wants to do anyway – expand what it is doing.

The mandatory vaccine rule from the government is snuck in through OSHA, the organization that protects workers from workplace dangers, not general ones. This is typical of the Left, where a reasonable and specific concern gets held hostage by a general platitude.

An Israeli study by Gazit et al. found that the vaccinated have a 27 times higher risk of symptomatic infection than the Covid recovered. At the same time, the vaccinated were nine times more likely to be hospitalized for Covid. In contrast, a CDC study by Bozio et al. claims that the Covid recovered are five times more likely to be hospitalized for Covid than the vaccinated. Both studies cannot be right. This is how an epidemiologist opens an article. He evaluates both and comes down on the side of the Israeli study but...
The St. Louis Federal Reserve recently estimated that there have been three million “excess” retirements during the pandemic.

1 comment:

Custer said...

Moscow U

Let me tell you about a great university known world wide for scholarship..

The last King of Egypt was King Farouk who named the university after himself