Saturday, November 20, 2021

Questions 30

Questions 30

'The huge stimulus bill will not cost anything.' 'The border wall will be paid for by Mexico.' 'You didn't build that.' 'The country was created by slavery and developed to protect it.' These constant, extra-partisan lies by both parties make one wonder how people choose one over the other. How does one rally behind a liar? How does one submit himself and his family to their programs? Or go to war for them?

Why do reporters, who are going to say whatever they feel like, use notes and recorders?

Since Monday, unvaccinated Austrians are not allowed to leave their homes except to go to work, to buy essential supplies, or to take exercise: “It is not a recommendation, but an order,” announced the Interior Minister Karl Nehammer at a press conference. “Every citizen should know that they will be checked by the police.”

Congressman Raja really went after Jay Bhattacharya, an MD, PhD and
Professor Stanford School of Medicine. Some points were clearly taken out of context. This is from his Twitter: 'Finally, the Congressman red-baited me. I gave an interview in May 2020 re: a study I ran to a Chinese tv station. It is shameful that the Congressman would try to insinuate that I support the Chinese government because I communicated a scientific result to the public.'
What's fascinating is an American politician attacking an American citizen and scientist invited to present his scientific opinion and inform them. Think on that.

It seems as though intervention by the state reconciles us with plunder by attributing responsibility for it to everyone, that is to say, to no one, with the result that people can enjoy the property of others with a perfectly clear conscience.--Bastiat

Debt-to-GDP will run about 106 percent in a decade, matching the record set after World War II. By mid-century, that number could be over 200 percent. The interest rate will hurt consumers but will also raise government costs to support that debt and squeeze the loot the government likes to disperse.

On July 23, 2021 White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, said it is not the role of the federal government to issue a vaccine mandate, but the Biden administration will continue to make the vaccine available and advocate for vaccinations.

Identity Politics: The association of an individual with a larger subset and holding him responsible for positions or assumed opinions of that subset. This takes a singularly anti-Western stance: the individual is not responsible for his own acts and his value is determined by the acts of others. This is the virtual definition of bigotry.

From the work of A. Ioannides, one of the most prestigious bio-statisticians in the world, on the Virus:

0-19: .0027% (or a survival rate of 99.9973%)
20-29 .014% (or a survival rate of 99,986%)
30-39 .031% (or a survival rate of 99,969%)
40-49 .082% (or a survival rate of 99,918%)
50-59 .27% (or a survival rate of 99.73%)
60-69 .59% (or a survival rate of 99.31%)

More than 70, between 2.4 and 5.5% (or a survival rate of 97.6 and 94.5% depending on the residential situation).

From the court's decision overturning the OSHA vaccine mandate:

“The Mandate,” it wrote, “likely exceeds the federal government’s authority under the Commerce Clause because it regulates noneconomic inactivity that falls squarely within the States’ police power,” because “a person’s choice to remain unvaccinated and forgo regular testing is noneconomic inactivity.” “To mandate that a person receive a vaccine or undergo testing,” it added, “falls squarely within the States’ police power.” In addition, “concerns over separation of powers principles cast doubt over the Mandate’s assertion of virtually unlimited power to control individual conduct under the guise of a workplace regulation.” (Good intentions aside.)

1 comment:

Custer said...

Panic over disease with 90+ Percent cure rate.
Panic in the streets
Tecawki , the end of civilization as we know it