Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Evil Content

Once a country is habituated to liars, it takes generations to bring the truth back. -Gore Vidal


China’s vaunted Belt and Road Initiative, where China was supposed to have taken the lead in influencing the developing world, as well as creating markets and sources of raw materials, is in trouble with rising rates and unstable economic circumstances.

Legendary former pro-surfer Chris Davidson is believed to be the victim of a lethal attack in a country bar in New South Wales, Australia. Davidson was reportedly punched in the face outside of South West Rocks Country Club in South West Rocks on Saturday around 11 p.m., causing Davidson to fall and hit his head on the pavement.


"That is how we see it. And why? Because that's what's happening. Madam President, I yield the floor but clearly, you know, this is, this is a literally (sic) call to arms in our country." What. To arms? What? What is?
An abortion bill.


Evil Content

The media has raised questions about Dr. Oz's TV program being used as a platform for questionable products and views. So the media sees itself as a questionable platform? The mind spins. But nothing said or promoted on the good doctor's show approaches the views of his senatorial opponent and their known results. His face cream might not help wrinkles but it won't steal your farm and deracinate your family.

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