Monday, October 3, 2022


“If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through.”--Blackadder’s Anthony Melchett


Medical schools in the country are weeding out applicants who are insufficiently devoted to the creed of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), according to a new report released by the non-profit Do No Harm.


It is now routine for hospitals, as employers, to require employees to take training that includes the employee admitting to racism. It is not known how patients respond to having their health and well-being managed by admitted racists.



In Pennsylvania, the senate race is between a television personality and a socialist. Fetterman is left of Sanders. And he is not just a nonsense-spouting old man, he is a hulking guy devoted to the cause. As a young man, he had an epiphany. He became sensitized to the shortness of life and its inequalities; he saw these as injustices. He emerged a serious socialist. He married a bright, Melania-beautiful idealist and the two of them embarked on their vision quest.

He is currently camouflaged. His radical campaign opening was poorly received and has been softened. But he has not. Yet he is running ahead of the television personality that the Republicans, apparently, thought was desirable. Control of the Senate may hang in the balance.

There is probably some horrifying metaphor here, how the democracy denatures things to a palatable toxin. But it is not the fault of democracy. Rather it is the cynicism of the politician--particularly the political party--and the saddeningly unthinking and uncritical electorate. Nothing will improve until those two elements improve.

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