Monday, January 8, 2024


Do illegal migrants who are flown to American cities by the government have to go through TSA?



The Maine official who moved to disqualify former President Donald Trump from the state’s 2024 Republican primary ballot on Thursday visited the White House this year to meet with President Biden and previously referred to the Electoral College as a “relic of white supremacy.”

An unelected official has made a decision to deprive a guy of participating in an election based on her own, personal tastes and eccentric--bizarre--politics.

The lesson here is that just because these opinions are laughable does not mean they are innocuous. These people are making decisions. And they can present nonsense as if it were reasonable, nonsense that will go uncritized by the press. The very existence of these people is a profound argument in favor of republics.

Imagine such an astonishing misunderstanding of the nation's founding by a public official. Imagine the foolish position of a white hierarchy as the founding premise of a revolutionary first democracy with a written constitution declaring equality for all men. 

There is a hierarchy here. It's structured law, law founded on the equality of man. And that law is enhanced by the structure of the country as a republic, avoiding the irrationality, passions, and exclusionary nature of democracies. 

We might add, to protect us from morons.

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