Friday, November 8, 2024




Clearing up some notes post-election:

Trump outperformed many of Republicans down-ballot.

Trump carried the 18-25 year old demographic.

FEC records show that Mothership Strategies, which has been scrutinized in the past for its aggressive fundraising tactics, has collected at least $48,712,448 over the last two years from advising an extensive array of Democratic PACs. That total does not include the money spent over the last few weeks given the FEC’s quarterly disclosure schedule. It is likely to be much higher. Many of the PACs tied to Mothership Strategies similarly used alarmist messages demanding donations to defeat Trump yet funneled vast sums of donor money back to consulting firms.

Migrants are abandoning a caravan headed for the United States because Donald Trump's election win has dashed their "dream of getting out".

There was an attack on Jews in Amsterdam after a soccer game. Very pogrom-like.

When the FBI released its numbers for 2023 in September 2024, it hid that it had revised its earlier crime data for 2021 and 2022, hiding the increase in 2022 and that there had been a net increase in crime over 2022 and 2023.

Professors at Harvard and Princeton have canceled classes following Trump's victory, and other units within the universities are offering "spaces" to process the election results.

12 officers of a New York environmental agency made an unannounced raid on a private home, captured the family's private pet--a squirrel with 500,000 followers on social media--and killed it.

New York City is ending its controversial scheme that gave migrant families prepaid debit cards worth a total of $18,500 each.

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