Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Gas and Hot Air

While Pennsylvania has historically been a reliable gas producer in the country, it has never been in the top 10 states in production. But in 2011 it produced 1.3 trillion cubic feet, rising to number 6 in the country. For the first 4 months it was number 4, behind Texas, Wyoming, and Louisiana.

This huge increase in production of natural gas is a direct result of the Marcellus find and expansion, a technological revolution that has gone unnoticed by government who think they, and not natural gas, are responsible for the decline in the the national use of coal fire plants.

Expanding natural gas to big trucks and heavy two axles would be a shovel-ready, economy expanding and liberating project that government could at least facilitate. Not one word from our moral leaders.

Perhaps these people are better at moral pronouncements and taking the high ground and less good at hard decisions and real leadership. Maybe after elections our moral leaders should be "installed" like a bishop or cardinal rather than take an oath of office.


Anonymous said...

Well said and I agree completely. The solution for the use of natural gas with heavy trucks seems so obvious that maybe it is not? If our energy needs were supplemented by natural gas resulting in reduced petroleum usage and thus lower prices, then what would happen to Chinese imports....they may be more expensive to ship to the US and some manufacturing may be cheaper to produce in North America. Jobs would return to the US. Good right? However, the Chinese own much of our debt, what would they think about this? Probably not too much. It's a wicked web we have woven.
Scott L.

jim said...

Interesting problem. Lower energy costs would decrease our overhead, but China's as well. There is some question that a rising energy cost might blunt China's labor advantage so one wonders what the motives in government and American business might be. We peasants might be lost "in the bigger picture."