Monday, January 11, 2016

Greeks Demanding Gifts

This is an interesting project that pits the Greek people against the EU, of which they are a part. It documents much of the final crisis and typifies much of the debate one hears and reads of concerning money in the cultures of the world. The Greeks have borrowed 333 million Euros from other Europeans and the lenders want it back. The Greeks are arguing that the loan is somehow a function of the democratic process, perhaps does not need paid, or should be paid in a way that the lenders do not like. If the debtor does not pay, the creditor does and it seems the Greeks believe that right.

What is prominent here is the current concept that seems to be so pervasive in the West: Pretending. The new government takes a bold stand, pretending to have some say in the matter and they are cheered by the public. When the truth begins to emerge, everyone pretends there is a conspiracy afoot. The country has no money, lives on borrowed money, holds a referendum then puts a gun to its own head and says, "Give us want we want or we'll shoot."

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