Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Racial Determinism


                          Racial Determinism

Robin DiAngelo, the author of "White Fragility," has a new book that Whites can torture themselves with. A quote from her new book: “Perhaps on my way to Whole Foods, I must pass an indigenous man who appears to be lying on the sidewalk.” "Must" presumably because White cultural, social, and economic forces demand it. "Appears"....I have no idea why the "indigenous man" "appears" to be lying on the sidewalk.

Callahan summarizes the old book this way: "The onus is solely on white America to bring about structural and economic change — except white America can’t, because as whites, we can never change for intrinsic, unfixable, immutable reasons."

Writing in the Atlantic last year, John McWhorter, the esteemed black linguist, author, and Columbia professor, said that with “White Fragility,” DiAngelo “openly infantilized black people” and “simply dehumanized us.” On NPR, McWhorter called it an “Orwellian indoctrination program” that “is racist . . . If you write a book that teaches that black people’s feelings must be stepped around to an exquisitely sensitive degree that hasn’t been required of any other human beings, you’re condescending to black people. In supposing that black people have no resilience, you are saying that black people are unusually weak. You’re saying that we are lesser . . . that’s discriminatory.”

Ms. DAngelo, who is white, has a consulting business that teaches groups and corporations why they are racist and why they can't do anything about it. At $15K a session.

This "thesis" violates every American concept of optimism about the individual, the ability to control your life without the guiding hand of politicians and do-gooders, and ignores the incredible sacrifices made by countless individuals, families and communities to guarantee these precepts for everyone in this country.

But sometimes entrepreneurship must be its own reward.

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