Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Bankruptcy of the Fourth Estate

The prime minister is head of government but not head of state. The separation of those functions inoculates Britain from the infantilism peculiar to the American republic. Here the cult of the presidency invests absurd glory and expectations in that office’s occupants, who generally are mediocrities because politicians, like lawyers and plumbers and columnists, etc., produce a bell-shaped curve.--will


Democrats spent tens of millions of dollars to promote GOP candidates who denied the results of the 2020 election and embraced kooky conspiracy theories. Now, would they do that with America's best interest in mind?

*** a time when Democrats controlled the White House and both houses of Congress, it’s telling that McAvoy and Sorkin aim their sights at conservatives seeking power — not moderates and liberals wielding it.
--WashPo. Yep, that WashPo


Bankruptcy of the Fourth Estate

The Press has capitulated. They will say anything but would prefer to discuss the state of the country through the lens of people who are not in office and not responsible for the current state of things.

One wonders about the capacity of the people to tolerate mendacity. Does the mind fill up like a glass and excess lies just spill out, unretained? Are the lies incorporated into normal thought like a virus takes over the DNA of its host? Since lies are a distortion of truth, do we start confusing them? If you hear the cry "Wolf" often enough, do you develop a callous?

One also wonders about the frantic persistence to tar Trump. He does not offer an oppositional philosophy; in fact, he does not offer a philosophy at all. Why does he generate such opposition? Some of it is political opportunism...but the rest? Is it that politicians recognize the unvarnished reflection of what they are, like Dorian Grey? Or is it nothing more than a magician's diversion?

Mendacity and the focus on people not in the government. A sure formula for improving the country.


Custer said...

The ‘Press is dead and gone. Why are you using terms from the French Revolution?

jim said...

We are in revolutionary times.