Sunday, October 16, 2022

Evil Incantations from The Climate Book

Communism failed and is bound to fail for at least two reasons: one, that to enforce equality, its principal objective, it is necessary to create a coercive apparatus that demands privileges and thereby negates equality; and two, that ethnic and territorial loyalties, when in conflict with class allegiances, everywhere and at all times overwhelm them, dissolving Communism in nationalism, which is why socialism so easily combines with “Fascism.”---Pipes


The cost of operating many British pubs has already doubled in recent months, and the government plans very modest assistance to country pubs that use heating oil and liquefied natural gas.


On the eve of the Civil War, there’s a figure by the name of George Fitzhugh who’s considered probably the most prominent pro-slavery theorist in the United States. Fitzhugh opens his book, not by attacking the abolitionists outright, but by attacking the doctrine of free trade and laissez-faire economics. Fitzhugh declares that free-market capitalism is “at war with slavery” by introducing a free-labor system and styles of production that he sees as unsuited to the agrarian slave economy.--magness


The Supreme Court declined on Tuesday to wade into the so-called fetal personhood debate, deciding not to take up a case out of Rhode Island over whether fetuses should have constitutional rights.


Evil Incantations from The Climate Book

An article called " edited extract from The Climate Book created by Greta Thunberg" has appeared in The Guardian. Here are some interesting notions, with comments.

"The fact that 3 billion people use less energy, on an annual per capita basis, than a standard American refrigerator gives you an idea of how far away from global equity and climate justice we currently are."

---Here is a new, at least to me, element in the climate change catechism: climate justice and global equity. While the concepts are ephemeral, we know what it means: someone is going to pay for their success. And there are some practical questions. 14% of Irish households heat the home with peat. Under the new Equity created by the Global Warming Giant Brains, with those households be elevated to join the rest of the West, or will the rest of the West decline to theirs? They'll probably use their EVs to power their homes.

"BeyoncĂ© was wrong. It is not girls who run the world. It is run by politicians, corporations and financial interests – mainly represented by white, privileged, middle-aged, straight cis men. And it turns out most of them are terribly ill-suited for the job. This may not come as a big surprise. After all, the purpose of a company is not to save the world – it is to make a profit. Or, rather, it is to make as much profit as it possibly can in order to keep shareholders and market interests happy."

---Ah! The white, privileged, middle-aged, straight cis men are integral to global warming. But race-baiters, Leftists, and professional apocolypsettes are immune to charges of thoughtless bias. And they can insult their moneyed friends with impunity because the gravy train is sumptuous and never-ending. White, privileged, middle-aged, straight cis men invited to the banquet will put up with a lot in order to finance and supply a revolution, even one that threatens their own.

"Journalist Alexandra Urisman Otto describes how she started investigating Swedish climate policies and found that only a third of our actual emissions of greenhouse gases were included in our climate targets and the official national statistics. The rest were either outsourced or hidden in the loopholes of international climate accounting frameworks. So whenever the climate crisis is debated in my “progressive” home country, we conveniently leave out two-thirds of the problem. An investigation by the Washington Post in November 2021 has shown that this phenomenon is far from unique to Sweden. Though the figures vary from case to case, this process and the overall mentality of constantly trying to sweep things under the carpet and blame others is the international norm."

---Dangerous waters, here, but they clearly don't care. Not only does she disparage the companies who are much of the driving force of climate change--and profits to be made thereby--she also disparages the accuracy of the climate studies on which all of her assumptions are based. She says those inaccuracies are underestimating the problem. But why so? Why are inaccuracies limited to her view? Maybe the whole concept is flawed.

"Our politicians do not need to wait for anyone else in order to start taking action. Nor do they need conferences, treaties, international agreements or outside pressure. They could start right away. They also have – and have had for a long time – endless opportunities to speak up and send a clear message about the fact that we must fundamentally change our societies. And yet, with very few exceptions, they actively choose not to."

---Now, something subtle. Our leaders can move quickly, without approval. Who's delaying? International groups are the presumed procrastinators. But one group unmentioned is the citizen, the guy who will finance this seppuku and then suffer it. His approval is not necessary. Leaders have their own criteria, listen to their own inner voice. Their own vision is all that is necessary. We don't have names for these new enlightened ones yet. But we know their citizen-victims by many names: serf, villein, liegeman, vassal, helot, thrall, slave, peon, servant. It's hard to imagine that any of these people have ever read a history book.

"We cannot live sustainably within today’s economic system....Even if we carried out all of our climate action plans, we’d still be in trouble. Net zero by 2050 is simply too little, too late. There is just too much at stake for us to place our destiny in the hands of undeveloped technologies. We need real zero."

---This, amigos, is staggering. The climate cherub is saying that the substitute technologies of wind and solar are undeveloped and unreliable. Instead, we should not aim so high or promise so much as to try to recreate the modern world with alternative energy sources. We must face the music and turn the entire energy spigot off. Cultural Luddism. The damage and human misery she casually ordains is simply beyond calculation. Which power source will be regression enough? Are we talking pre-steam here?


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