Monday, August 21, 2023

Battery Costs

The idea that you can switch off the source of 80 per cent of humankind’s energy and everything will be fine is almost comically unworldly.--O'neill


One side of the culture war sees elite knowledge as superior to cultural knowledge. The other side insists that the reverse is true.


CO2 production from the U.S. has dropped from 2005 to 2020, despite the increased U.S. population and production. Why? Natural gas.


Battery Costs

This is from a letter forwarded to me from a Dr. Fields from the University of Alabama. I'm unsure of the specifics but the idea of the costs of EV is worth the effort and is rarely discussed.

Lithium Batteries

500 tons of earth/ ore will be refined into one lithium car battery. 900-1000 gallons of fuel is burned by one gigantic machine in a 12-hour shift.

Lithium is refined from ore using sulfuric acid. The proposed lithium mine at Thacker Pass, Nevada is estimated to require up to 75 semi-loads of sulfuric acid a day! The acid and its byproducts go to several of the new EPA Superfund sites.

A battery in an electric car, let’s say an average Tesla, is made of:

25 pounds of lithium,

60 pounds of nickel,

44 pounds of manganese,

30 pounds of cobalt,

200 pounds of copper,


400 pounds of aluminum, steel, plastic, etc......

averaging 750-1,000 pounds of minerals, that had to be mined and processed

into a battery that merely stores electricity... Electricity which is generated by

oil, gas, coal, or water (and a tiny fraction of wind and solar).


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