Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Industrial policy

McConnell's physician has announced that there is no evidence of neurologic disease or seizure disorder.
They think we believe anything.


In hatred as in love, we grow like the thing we brood upon. What we loathe, we graft into our very soul. -Mary Renault, novelist (4 Sep 1905-1983)


The burnout rate for female urologists increased from 35.3% in 2016, to 49.2%.


Industrial policy

A harsh, clear-eyed assessment of government industrial policy by Kling.

"Industrial policy is plagued by two forms of corruption that detract from achieving desired goals. Ideological corruption consists of prioritizing some quasi-religious belief. Rent-seeking corruption means prioritizing special interests.


Remember that whatever the theoretical rationale for government economic intervention, the political impetus is to subsidize demand and restrict supply. That is the combination of policies that rewards the interests of domestic producers, even if it detracts from achieving the stated objective of the policy.


Industrial policy is never made in a vacuum, fine-tuned to achieve some theoretical optimum. It contends with legacy policies, special interests, and irrational quasi-religious believers."

The point here is that an industrial policy is like all policies: the child of multiple fathers, none of whom are reality or idealism.

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