Thursday, March 14, 2024

Rising Unseriousness

“Almost 30% of Gen Z women identify as LGBTQ+, most as bisexual,” Jeffrey Jones, a senior editor at Gallup, told NBC News. What could explain this discontent?


The Brits have banned the use of pituitary blockers.


Rising Unseriousness

In our world of mendacity and shallow symbolism, the President of the United States wants to tax "the rich." Now, this is the man who says the rich are taxed at 8.3%. This is the same guy who says the border is secure, the Republicans want to end Social Security, and crime is under control. On the judgment side, he offered Zekensky asylum.

Biden wants to raise the corporate rate to 28% from 21%. The 2017 tax reform dropped the rate to 21% from 35%. (
By the way, China’s corporate tax rate is 25%.) A National Bureau of Economic Research paper last year found that the corporate tax reform effectively paid for itself by boosting investment and raising worker wages.

So, increasing the rate to 28% will probably result in lower tax revenue by reducing business investment and wages. Exactly the opposite of its intended effect. Because money goes where it's treated best. Taxes are punishments that incidentally raise money for the state; a higher corporate rate is a disincentive to invest in the U.S. – which is why Republicans cut it.

Control of finances is a sure way to limit them. See rent control. And creating a country hospitable to investment should be a national priority. This should be beyond debate. But, with these people, nothing is off the table regardless of logic, national benefit, or goodwill.


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