Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Political Universe the president is going to freeze discretionary--as opposed to military, paramilitary and entitlement-- spending "because we can't spend what we don't have". (Interestingly this makes up about 16% of the budget, about health care's percent of GDP.)
This, after a year of unbelievable health care expansion plans, an astonishing bailout of his friends at Goldman and an energy project estimated to drive the United States into the Stone Age with its expenses. Now he is worried about government spending.
It's hard to know what to make of this because most people live in a world of relative consistency: Friends, family and the grocer down the street generally behave the same way every day and, if they don't, they get professional help. When your conservative banker friend starts wearing sandals and Hawaiian shirts to work, the staff calls his wife, perhaps talks to him and gets an appointment with a guy with a graduate degree. When your hard working brother-in-law shaves his head and gets a tattoo on his face, you go and get your sister and the kids and get them the hell out of the house. But not in politics; politicians have no such need to be consistent. They somehow are allowed to live in a universe that is constantly changing without any analysis or criticism. They perhaps are like bigamists--one day a loud car dealer, the next day a quiet travelling salesman--as they keep all the balls of their universe in the air.
What's next? Barney Frank opposing the existence of Freddy and Fanny?

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