Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cairo: The Power of Cameras and Placebos

The population of metropolitan Cairo is eighteen million. The protest/demonstration numbers are estimated at about 250,000. One wonders how the decision is made to take such an event seriously. There are much larger demonstrations after sports events in much smaller cities. The Tea Party demonstrations in Washington were much bigger as were Glenn Beck's curious gatherings; they had little effect on anything and rightly so. Why should this Egyptian demonstration be so honored? And what is expected?

Demonstrations are nothing if not eclectic. They attract everyone from the wild-eyed partisan to the bored. A mob is difficult to read and impossible to summarize; it has countless motives. Moreover, any change in Egypt will be internal. The chairs at the table will be rearranged among the military. No one new will be invited in. Why do we anoint this one with significance?

Are we feeling guilty?

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