Monday, February 21, 2011

Grappling With The Ultimate Suicide Bomber

Insincerity is the antagonist of man's highest aspiration. Truth is more than the guidepost, it is the solution. No effort can hope for success if truth is not in its very fabric. Problems have their resolution within them; the question is always how those solutions will be manifested. The debates over the state budgets must understand that these questions will be answered; the real question is how? Ethanol as a fuel is an answer to a question but which one?

This notion--that in every situation there is a truth--is particularly applicable to The Middle East. The decades debate over the nature of the economies, the conflicts within Islam, Palestine, Gaza, the Suez Canal, the dichotomy between the average citizen and his leadership and how these questions are related to Israel. As soon as a tremor hits any of these subjects editorial volcanoes result. And as soon as any change occurs the topic immediately changes to Israel and how the new situation will impact it. This preoccupation with Israel as a nation under siege contains a basic flaw, an essential unreality. Israel will never be overcome; the worst it will experience is a draw, a double knockout. In the unlikely event it is mortally wounded with its dying breath it will cry "I stab at thee" and destroy the entire Middle East as its final, vengeful act. Like Samson, surrounded and harried and humiliated by his enemies, Israel with its massive nuclear weaponry will rise in its last moments and tear the entire Middle East temple down--ending Arabian past and future. And, incidentally, blow the developed nations back into the steam age.

Israel and its remorseless nuclear capacity is the ultimate Middle East reality. It is not going to go away. And it is the ultimate suicide bomber.

The Americans are not protecting Israel from the Arabs, they are protecting the Arabs (and their oil fields) from Israel.

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