Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Democrats' Nixon Moment

Missionaries, Christian Colleges, the Peking Union Medical College and America's war against Japan that benefited China so much were all American efforts that promised reasonable relations between the U.S. and China until Mao won the war with Chiang Kai-shek, Chiang fled to Taiwan and Mao created the Peoples' Republic of China. Mao began to harass everything not Chinese--especially Americans, the Korean War broke out eventually pitting Chinese troops against Americans (where Mao's son was killed) and any hope for a relationship was lost. The Americans signing a defense treaty with Taiwan in 1954 made things worse.

Nixon became president with anti-communist credentials from Helen Douglas to Hiss to the Kennedy Taiwan debates. But close on the heels of the inane "ping-pong diplomacy" Kissinger went to China secretly in 1971 and arranged to provide China with American intelligence on Russia. Nixon followed in 1972. The China door was open.

A democrat could not have done that; only someone with a history of being part of the process can reverse it. That time has come for entitlements and the republicans can not do it. The democrats must. This will be ugly but these programs are democrat programs and must be curtailed in some thoughtful, sensitive but meaningful way.

On the assumption that the Congress can not be as foolish as they appear, this will be more than an intelligence or parliamentary test; it will be a test of integrity.

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