Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Mormons and Other Fighters

So our free society that looks down our emancipated noses at those quaint religions with their quaint restrictions, our culture that sees little difference between liberty and libertine, our brave new world that prides itself on individual decision making without deference to some written or unwritten rule--this society that glorifies the free and unled individual when looking for lawmen, watchmen on the tower and general defenders of our inalienable rights to do what we please write restrictions that favor and select out Mormons to protect us.

It is a situation similar to the armed forces. Those in uniform are usually southern, church going Christian and I'll bet a lot are creationist. These people who would not last five minutes at a New York cocktail party, are the linchpin of the culture's defense.

Perhaps we are like Rome; twenty years in the army and you become a real citizen.

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