Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Willing Suspension of Disbelief

Riots in Syria are good, riots in London are bad.
Overthrowing the system in Tripoli is beneficial, overthrowing the system in Afghanistan is not.
Putting money into the economy is good, but taxing it out of the system is good, too.
A president with clearly antiwar sentiments has as his presidency highlights the assassination of a terrorist and the military overthrow of another.
Raising regulations on mortgage lenders is good, but we should not raise regulations on the nation's largest lenders, Fannie May and Freddie Mac.
Ethanol will make us less dependent on foreign energy but it requires more energy to produce than it creates.
Electric vehicles will create much less pollution but their energy will be supplied by coal fire plants.
Government cannot create jobs but Obama is responsible for the jobless rate.

This is a very tolerant citizenry.

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