Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Authentic Food and Lives

Gordon Ramsey is getting a lot of flack for opening what he called an "authentic Asian restaurant." Apparently one cannot be an authentic Asian restaurant and serve Asian food without being Asian. The mind just swims with the potential of this great breakthrough.

Imagine what items will have to come off the menu depending who owns the restaurant or cooks the food. French onion soup. Stir-fried anything. Eggs Benedict. And will the restaurant need specific sub-sets in the kitchen? Will Normand food require a western French chef? Could a mulatto serve soul food?

And we could not tolerate pretenders, the cultural appropriators like Elizabeth Warren. We would need  proof of authenticity and certification. A bureaucracy could emerge--a good jobs program--to ascertain the righteousness of the kitchen and truth in advertising.

We could live in a kosher-like world.

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