Monday, February 11, 2019

The "Green New Deal"

The Green New Deal has been introduced to Congress in the form of a non-binding resolution laying out a series of goals. ( Symbolism is important to these [people.) The specifics were in an online FAQ that appeared on Ocasio-Cortez’s website (but was later taken down.)  The website is instructive, offering an insight as to how these people think. (These are the non-environmental plans--the environmental plans are extensive and expensive...and extra).
Some of the objectives:

1. “a job with family-sustaining wages, family and medical leave, vacations, and retirement security”
2. “high-quality education, including higher education and trade schools”
3. “high-quality health care”
4. “safe, affordable, adequate housing”
5. “economic security to all who are unable or unwilling to work"

A rough cost estimate — which doesn’t include all of the promises listed in the FAQ (and, remember, does not include the environmental costs) --adds up to about $6.6 trillion a year. $6.6 TRILLION. That’s more than three times as much as the federal government collects now in tax revenue, and equal to about 34 percent of the U.S.’s entire gross domestic product. And that’s assuming no cost overruns. Total government spending already accounts for about 38 percent of the economy, so if no other programs were cut to pay for the Green New Deal, it could mean that almost three-quarters of the economy would be spent through the government. And this all without the promise that any of it would work. (Remember, for example, that the environmental plans, which are mainly "good intentions," all depend upon technologies we do not have or use and are funded by taxation upon people who do not exist.)

One of the dangers of the modern political scene is personified by Trump himself: Americans have become increasingly numb to the political declarations. While Trump is silly and loquacious, he is relatively philosophy-free; the Left is not. And, on occasion, the Left has the bad judgment to write their plans down.

These are arrogant, dangerous people with horrible, dangerous notions masquerading as ideas.

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