Monday, February 25, 2019

The Canon

One of the strangest social constructs is that AOC's ideas are bizarre, off-the-wall-and-charts ideas. The Green New Deal is an aberration, a goofy drainage from  high-pressure youthful enthusiasm.

Nothing could be further from the truth. They are typical of the Progressive Fantasy. Outrageous, idiotic notions are characteristic of these people.

Marx described a world where, after the killing time, there would be no laws. Laing offered a philosophy based upon the idea that the family was an active evil. Sartre envisioned a world without borders or states.

What is important here is not that such ideas are impossible and unworkable but rather that there are so many stupid, violent people who accept and try to implement them.  Outrageous, destructive and stupid ideas should not be met with derision, they should be met with fear.

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