Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Four Chart

It is not, for example, Germany and England, but individuals or firms located in Germany and England, who carry on trade with one another.--Haberler

Nice weekend.
Many at UPMC today are on strike. They seem to be angry over most things.

The leftist strategy of promoting self-regard, otherness, suspicion and division is taking root in the very institutions that are meant to have the student look outside the known, enter the unknown and make it better with their presence. The National Association of Scholars has released a study indicating that “at least 75 American colleges have black-only graduation ceremonies and 43 percent of surveyed colleges offer segregated residential halls. The organization refers to this as ‘neo-segregation,’ ” Breitbart reported. 
Some colleges around the country have special LGBT student centers, graduation ceremonies, and self-segregated LGBT dorms.

A man carrying a knife in each hand and screaming “I will kill you” attacked schoolgirls waiting at a bus stop just outside Tokyo on Tuesday, killing two and injuring 16 before killing himself, officials said.

What did the English author Geoffrey Chaucer (c. 1343-1400), the German composer Robert Schumann (1810-1856), and the American astrogeologist Gene Shoemaker (1928-1997) have in common?
All three had ancestors in the shoe business. The surname Shoemaker is obvious. Schumann is, literally, a shoe man (German Schuh + Mann), and so is Chaucer (Middle French chausse: shoe).

Last year, 78 percent of all corn acreage had been planted by now.  This year, that number is sitting at just 49 percent. And the percentage of corn that has emerged from the ground is at a paltry 19 percent compared to 47 percent at this time last year. Last year, 53 percent of all soybean acreage had been planted by now.  This year, that number has fallen to 19 percent.
In 1949, Chinese citizens could expect to die at the age of thirty-six, and 8 in 10 could not read or write. By 2014, life expectancy had more than doubled, to seventy-six, and 95 percent are literate. In 2019, Shenzhen is a mega-city of more than ten million people, with real estate prices that rival Silicon Valley’s. In 1980 in Shenzhen, 90 out of every 100 Chinese lived on less than $2 a day. Today fewer than 3 in 100 do.

On this day in 1754, in the first engagement of the French and Indian War, a Virginia militia under 22-year-old Lieutenant Colonel George Washington defeated a French reconnaissance party in southwestern Pennsylvania. In a surprise attack, the Virginians killed 10 French soldiers from Fort Duquesne, including the French commander, Coulon de Jumonville, and took 21 prisoners. Only one of Washington’s men was killed.

                                 Four Charts

 From 1965 through the early 1980s, government debt stood at no more than 40 percent of GDP. It rose after that until the mid-1990s, hitting 65 percent of GDP. Growth then relaxed until the start of the Great Recession in 2008. From 2008 to 2018, the share rose from roughly 70 percent to 110 percent. 

Aldi out-competes Walmart on price by 18%

From Heather Mac Donald’s City Journal article “Grievance Proxies”

Since 2000, net investment by American businesses has been as strong as it was in the years of the 1960s and 1970s only twice.

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