Tuesday, May 7, 2019


The last person to trust with power is someone who is dying to have it. The best person to wield power is someone who is reluctant to do so, but who will do it for a while as a civic duty. That is why term limits should make it impossible to have a whole career in politics.--Sowell

Ned had a paper published in the British Medical Journal.
Mom and I went shoe shopping for walking shoes. They are really expensive.

A very nice man I knew died last week. He lived a strangely lonely life; the funeral home will probably be visited, though.

When researchers at the International Monetary Fund recently examined tariff increases in 151 different countries between 1963 and 2014, they found that correlated with such policies were significant declines in domestic output and productivity, more unemployment, and higher inequality. The United States is not immune to these harmful forces: Two new studies, from economists with the National Bureau of Economic Research, have found that the economic pain from Trump’s 2018 tariffs fell entirely on American consumers (companies and individuals).

Chief Executive Tim Cook told CNBC in a weekend interview from Berkshire Hathaway Inc.’s annual meeting that the tech giant has bought between 20 and 25 companies in the past six months.

According to data released by the Gesellschaft für Deutsche Sprache (Society for the German Language), the most popular boy’s name for newborn babies in Berlin is Mohammed.

When Ronald Reagan took office the total amount of debt in our system (federal, state, municipal, personal and business) was less than 5 trillion dollars, and when George W. Bush took office the total amount of debt in our system was just over 29 trillion dollars. Just prior to the last financial crisis we surpassed the 54 trillion dollar mark, and so since that time we have added nearly 18 trillion dollars to our total to 77 trillion dollars. That's right. 77 trillion.
Medicare for all is "free" at the point of purchase/service. That's not Medicare, that's Medicaid.

African Swine Fever is the greatest threat to global food production since World War II ended.  The disease has now spread “to every province in mainland China”, and it has now infected “an estimated 150-200 million pigs”.  To put that number in perspective, that is more pigs than the entire U.S. pork industry produces in an entire year.  In other words, the equivalent of the entire U.S. pork industry has just been wiped out.  On top of that, African Swine Fever has also spread to Cambodia, Tibet, Romania, South Africa and Vietnam.  The losses are staggering, and this crisis continues to get worse with each passing week. 

Prince Charles has opened a Bed and Breakfast in Scotland.

On the afternoon of May 7, 1915, the British ocean liner Lusitania was torpedoed without warning by a German submarine off the south coast of Ireland. Within 20 minutes, the vessel sank into the Celtic Sea. Of 1,959 passengers and crew, 1,198 people were drowned, including 128 Americans. 
At the time it was considered more than a microaggression although many on board were seeking a safe place.


"Insulated" is defined as "protected by interposing material that prevents the loss of heat or the intrusion of sound." Somehow society has created circumstances that allow for bizarre ideas to implant, grow and be nurtured without challenge. Like in hothouses, the culture allows dainty, fragile ideas to flourish. These notions have taken on cult-like status and are scattered, shard-like, among us, growing and interacting in a virtual bubble. Anyone who saw Sen. Mazie Hirono's shameless slandering of AG Barr saw a woman with peculiar, unsubstantiated and harsh beliefs speaking, presumably, to people of similar beliefs. Somehow the culture now allows the subtly irrational to bond and encourage each other when, historically, such outliers would have been swamped and diluted away. They certainly would never have been taken seriously.

One idea: White males.

The New York Times, in 2018, appointed Sarah Jeong to its editorial board. Jeong was born in South Korea in 1988 and emigrated at the age of three when her parents came to the United States to study. She became a U.S. citizen in 2017. Jeong, a graduate of the University of California Berkeley and Harvard Law School, had expressed publicly many interesting opinions about white people. Here are a few:
“Dumbass f***ing white people marking up the internet with their opinions like dogs pissing on fire hydrants.”
It’s “kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men.”
I’m “just imagining being white and waking up every morning with a terrible existential dread about how I have no culture.”
“Are white people genetically predisposed to burn faster in the sun, thus logically only being fit to live underground like groveling bilious goblins?”
 “Have you ever tried to figure out all the things that white people are allowed to do that aren’t cultural appropriation? There’s literally nothing.”
“The world could get by just fine with zero white people.”

This is strange stuff. Jeong is a graduate of the University of California Berkeley and Harvard Law School and a success story. How she has been harmed by white men, I don't know.

The country has apparently been harmed, though.
Believing that courses on American political thought are too fixated on white males, Professor Chad Shomura of the University of Colorado at Denver has solved the problem by banning discussion of white men in his course on the nation’s political thought. This means nothing from Washington, Jefferson, Tocqueville, Rousseau or any of the pre-Obama presidents. Discussion of the Hillary Clinton race for the presidency in 2016 is allowed, but how she managed to lose while apparently “running unopposed” is unclear.

But the inquiring mind never sleeps.
University of Kansas students will soon be able to study the rise of the “angry white male.”
The college course, called Angry White Male Studies, will dive into “the deeper sources of this emotional state while evaluating recent manifestations of male anger” in the United States and Britain since the 1950s.

No wonder.

The course catalog description states: “Employing interdisciplinary perspectives this course examines how both dominant and subordinate masculinities are represented and experienced in cultures undergoing periods of rapid change connected to modernity as well as to rights-based movements of women, people of color, homosexuals and trans individuals.”

After all, the menacing Manichean Moby Dick was a white whale and sounds very much like "white male." That couldn't be a coincidence. 

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