Saturday, August 10, 2019

Charts on Money and Oil

There is in fact a manly and legitimate passion for equality that spurs all men to wish to be strong and esteemed. This passion tends to elevate the lesser to the rank of the greater. But one also finds in the human heart a depraved taste for equality, which impels the weak to want to bring the strong down to their level, and which reduces men to preferring equality in servitude to inequality in freedom.-- Alexis de Tocqueville 
"Manly?" Is that a word anymore?

Dinner with the Edwards at PGC. For some reason buffalo steak was served.

Over the past ten years, the average number of jobs destroyed each month in America has been about 1.75 million, or 105 million jobs over the course of five years.

Lim Hyo-Jun, short track speed skating’s world overall champion, has been banned one year after pulling down the pants of a male teammate in front of female skaters, according to multiple South Korean media reports citing the nation’s skating federation.

The Chicago Teachers union has a delegation in Venezuela to show their solidarity with Nicolás Maduro’s socialist regime. Their goals are “to learn what they could from Venezuela’s Bolivarian Revolution, exchange views on effective education and to show solidarity with the students, teachers and social movements of Venezuela,”  “This is why Venezuela became a threat to the USA," wrote delegation member Sarah Chambers. “The USA does not want people to realize that another world is possible with justice and love.”
So one is praised for high sounding plans, even when the stated purpose is untrue and fails. And who says the news can't make you smile?

The President of the U.S. Soccer Federation released a “fact sheet” Monday night alleging that, contrary to claims made as part of a lawsuit, the U.S. Women’s National Team actually lost the federation millions of dollars. Despite this, the president claimed, women soccer players still out-earned their male counterparts.

...the Progressive ideology, which granted the government more power and more discretion with the idea that government could be a benevolent force for furthering the public interest, gave the elite more power to design public policy for their benefit. The elite are looking out for their own interests, as is everyone, and the expanding size and scope of government provides them with a mechanism to further their interests.--Holcolmbe

 More Republicans voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act as a percentage than Democrats:

  • US House Bill Democrats: 60% in favor vs. Republicans: 78%
  • US Senate Bill Democrats: 69% in favor vs. Republicans: 82%
  • Amended Senate Bill in the House: Democrats: 60% in favor vs. Republicans: 76%

Cancellation of Amazon’s announced plans to move their new center to N.Y. came after “an unexpectedly fierce backlash from lawmakers, progressive activists, and union leaders, who contended that the tech giant did not deserve nearly $3 billion in government incentives,” according to The New York Times. A comparatively small group of noisy activists may have seen it as a victory, but most New Yorkers didn’t. One paper on the concentration of high tech jobs in small areas said this: Those 25,000 Amazon jobs are going to locate somewhere else in the United States, so from the national point of view, those jobs are not lost. However, from the national point of view, there are aggregate advantages stemming from the concentration of high-tech employment. 

                Charts on Money and Oil

The annual increases last year in US production of natural gas, oil, solar and wind:

17.5X ratio between the average before-tax income of top quintile households and bottom quintile households falls to a ratio of only 2.3X when we consider the difference between those quintiles for average consumption expenditures per person and only 1.08 times for average consumption expenditures per earner.

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