Saturday, May 23, 2020

Stats on Stuff

Duquesne University has lost about $50 million in its investment portfolio so far. And their estimate is that there will be a 20% decline in this Fall's freshmen class. Duquesne does not operate under much of a surplus and that kind of decline will put it in the red. The assumed adjustments that The Virus seems to require are going to have significant economic repercussions for people and organizations. What and where might be a fun party game but there are a lot of educational institutions that are in a lot worse shape than Duquesne.

We have, with little provocation, forced a reorganization upon ourselves which has extraordinary possibilities for good and ill. But the entire episode reveals a number of things about us--of all political leanings. Mostly, though, we are feckless.

                                Stats on Stuff

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