Sunday, May 3, 2020

Sunday/Millions for Thousand

                            Sunday/Millions for Thousands

The Virus does not really allow the analogy to war. In a war, the society is willing to sacrifice a minority of its young for the preservation of the general population and its way of life. The Virus is a threat to everyone theoretically but to the relatively older and unproductive generally. So in the struggle with The Virus, we are willing to shut the economy down and sacrifice the living standards, hopes and plans of the majority, millions, --some sacrifices permanent--for the benefit of a less productive few. Tens of millions are being sacrificed for tens of thousands.
The sacrifice is not equal. Of the tens of millions are being economically damaged to save the lives of the tens of thousands, the economic damage will be of uncertain depth and permanence. The proper social function does more than support the infirm, it feeds those who can not farm, treats those who can not treat themselves, raises all boats with its growth; the loss of that will have serious consequences, perhaps fatal ones to some. That--the whole for the few--is clearly not an equal exchange.  
It is an exchange of the essential for the unessential, the productive for the unproductive, the future for the past. It is a trade that no accountant would approve.
It is the exchange that every parent makes.
It is the exchange The Good Shepherd makes.

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